Wellcome to National Portal
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Head off the office

public works department is the pioneer construction agency of government of Bangladesh and plays anchor role in building construction program of government projects. It also undertakes the projects of autonomous bodies and public sector as Deposit Works. Besides being a construction agency of government, it performs a regulatory function in setting the pace, standard and programs for the building industry in the country. The department executes the projects on turnkey basis including the services viz. Water supply, Sewerage system, Internal Roads, Electrification, Air-condition, Firefighting, Arboriculture ect. It also offers consulting services for building construction projects right from concepts to completion with an able support from its sister concern Department of Architecture. Expertise of all fields of building construction & services are available under one umbrella.

PWD with its office network throughout the length and breadth of the country is fully equipped to meet the challenges in the emerging scenario of building construction sector. Its well-qualified, trained and dedicated workforce has been tested over time through number of complex projects in the country. In this 21st century we just can not make ourselves aloof from the fascinating achievement of ICT sector as ICT is now the state of art government tool in E-Governance, which makes the government more transparent, efficient and service oriented. Therefore development of ICT in PWD is getting priority in my work list. In this connection development of some Database software is going to be initiated. I do request to all my colleagues to build their capability in effective using of computer specially use of Database software.

At this time of Information Technology and its fascinating profusion organizations provide their ICT services to stakeholders through website. PWD also has been maintaining its website since year 2002. It is my observation that this website of PWD will benefit the citizens in knowing the department. In this regard PWD’s Citizen Charter has been hosted in the site and I hope it will uplift the image of the department through ensuring better service to its stakeholders. I wish this website will be resourceful through which our client Ministries will get access to the Database system to monitor the progress of work of different projects. I also expect that continuous updating of this website will be taken up by the officers engaged with this noble task